For a man who seemed to always surround himself with people he knows well, Sen. McCain picked as his number two person and person that he would trust to run our country, to a woman he'd met only once.
Well, he was impressed by her enough to have her vetted for the VP job. Vetted. I get to use the new word, vetted. The MSM loves to say, vetted.
Anyway, now we get to meet the amazingly accomplished Gov. Sarah Palin.
She's just an amazing woman. She is a wife and the mother of five, including a baby with Down Syndrome and a son in the armed forces soon going to Iraq. She's a hunter and a fisherman, a state basketball champion (nicknamed "Sarah the Baracuda" for her fierce competitiveness), and a beauty pageant winner (voted Miss Congeniality, no less).
Politically she's the only candidate with executive experience having been the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and now the Governor. She was also the Director of the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission.
Palin is known as a reformer, principled, passionate, with an energetic can do attitude, tough but fair, smart, and speaks from her heart. Sen. Biden better be aware that Gov. Palin is also said to be good at debates, and will not go for half truths. She would not have stood for that Charlie Gibson, George Stephenopolis crap.
McCain hit a homer with this choice. Sarah Palin is a conservative with a capital C. She's an attractive woman with strong faith based morals. She wants intelligent design taught in schools, (along with evolution, to be fair), does not believe in saving natural resources and wants ANWR drilling, she allows and encourages aerial shooting of animals, and has a big 'o stuffed real bear in her office. (Calm down Al Gore.) Sarah is known as anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-environment, and anti-labor.

Most of all, she is a woman. Sen. McCain, of course wants to attract the conservatives, especially women. He figures that the unhappy Hillary supporters will find Palin appealing enough to jump party and still make some fem history. Thus his references to Hillary being "passed over" for the Dem ticket. And Palin thanking Hillary for her contribution and saying if they don't want women over there, come over here.
It's all pretty transparent. Transparent yes, and gimmicky tokenism. Maybe, desparet should be added too.
Whether it's a smart move will remain to be seen.
Sarah Palin ain't Hillary Clinton and couldn't be on the best day of her life. Not to disparage the governor but she is not about progress in this country or this world. I can just hear the clock going backwards. Tock tick tock tick.
Palin's idea of progress stands in opposition of everything Hillary. How insulting and patronizing is McCain to think women who supported Hillary Clinton, can't see through this. How insulting to America that he would put winning over the welfare of this nation.
Sen. McCain may think Sarah Palin will be an asset to winning the election and then go to funerals and cut ribbons as VP after the election. Ha! My woman's intuition tells me sister Palin ain't gonna sit still for being no puppet VP. She has said she is used to being productive. And she is principled, remember. That won't go away after the election. She is known for being a whistle blower. She has kicked the legs from under members of special interests and of her own party, including a former republican governor. She's not into political stunts. She's into the greater good as she sees it.
Will McCain really be comfy working with her?
Maybe she will bend to the ways and means of McCain who has done a lot of bending himself since becoming a candidate. We'll see how the governor handles all this. She is no saint and is being investigated for abuses of her office now. But I think, McCain may have bitten off more than just a token female with this woman.