Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dim Dems

LOGO and the Human Rights Campaign's 2008 Presidential Forum certainly made clearer for me the positions of the top Democratic candidates on GLBT issues. Senators Kucinich and Gravel are 100% supportive and there is overwhelming quasi-support from Senators Edwards, Clinton and Obama.
The audience was full of familiar GLBT faces like Alec Mapa and Calpernia Adams. I also noticed filling in the seats were cast members of some LOGO shows.

What I gleaned from the Democratic GLBT Forum.

Senator Obama says his job as Prez would be to assure equal rights and benefits (including Federal bens) to all via civil unions. Marriage is a matter for each church to deal with. OK. So, does that mean civil ceremonies will no longer be called "marriage"? All things being equal it would mean that. But, of course he gives ownership of marriage to the church only in GLBT cases. Barack claims he wants to take things "step by step". Full benefits and rights would be a great big step. I'll take it.

Senator Clinton, also a proponent for full civil union rights but, again with the semantics, "marriage", should be left up to the states. Okey Dokey. Again with the states deciding if and where I am a full human being and a full U.S. citizen? That's pathetic.

(Monica feels Barack and Hillary have no personal qualms against same sex marriage and are simply playing it safe to get elected. Could be.)

Hillary didn't introduce legislation to overturn DADT (Don't Ask, Don't Tell) because it would be futile with this hostile Prez. True, but legislation is often brought to the floor for more reasons than assured passage. How about taking a stand and putting it out there, making a point. The same with that horrid DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). C'mon Hillary.

HRC/LOGO did not include a Transgender person on the panel. They should have. The only Trans related question of the evening was directed to Senator Edwards who assured us he would hypothetically support a Transgender employee if faced with that situation. That's good.
However, Edwards is still "on a journey" regarding gay marriage.
I realize he has conribution problems considering he is at such a disadvantage not being able to turn black or into a woman and all. Geesh.
I don't dislike Edwards and I appreciate his honesty about his "journey". It could end in a sunny grassy field full of wonderful GLBT folk. Who knows. And I appreciate that he vowed not to impose his faith on the country.
But his "journey" just irks me.

Bill Richardson was asked if being gay was a choice. He replied yes. Then he said in essence, who cares. What difference does it make when it comes to equal rights. "I am interested in human beings, not science I don't understand." Well, I was thinking that's interesting way to see this because some folks will never understand. For those folks, all they need to understand is that we have the same rights as Americans and human beings. I was all ready to think this was the best point of the evening. But WAIT! The next day Kucinich says, of course it's not a choice. "I know that." "I didn't understand the question due to jet lag." (More commonly known as the Paula Abdul gibberish syndrome).

Kucinich is too good to be true. He talked of love and real equality and spoke on the war, etc. He is the kind of critical thinker that this country will never elect, but should.


Monica Roberts said...

One thing I've learned over the last few years of Repugnican control of Texas and this country, if you want progressive policies, you have to get PROGRESSIVE politicians elected into office.

I like what Kucinich has to say, but if by some miracle he became the nominee the GOP would whack him over the head not only with his support of GLBT issues, but his tenure as mayor of Cleveland when the city went bankrupt.

Gravel needs to drop out and run for the Senate seat in AK.

While I'd love to see Obama taking the oath of office on January 20, 2009, I don't think that this country is ready for a progressive Black president.

So it look more and more like the girl from Park Ridge, IL may get the nomination.

Jackie said...

Yep, Illinois has a problem. Two home towners are front runners. Barack is black and Hill is a woman so they both have to fight the folks who have problems with that. It'll be fun to see them fight for Chitown. It's actually wonderful, but my head hurts.

Tim said...

Yes Jackie, this is going to be very interesting with the Democratic party this time around.

Quiet as it's kept, I do want Obama to whoop them all - and not just because he's a Trinitarian. :)

Jackie said...

Tim, I love Trinity although my UCC is University in Hyde Park. But, yep Obama is my first choice too.

Monica Roberts said...

Speaking of dropouts, JohnEdwards needs to drop out and go take his senate seat back from Lizzie Dole