My money and hopes were on Adam but I'm totally fine with Kris. They will both be huge stars. And they won't be alone from this years AI. Allison Iraheta is 17 years old, the youngest ever. She has a big raunchy voice and is the only woman I have ever heard in my life who may come close to equaling Janis Joplin. I know when that bio pic is made Allison could get the part of Janis.

I'm thinking there may be lots of people who felt Adam to be too flamboyant with his black fingernail polish and mascara. I wonder if the young folks get the hard rock wail and antics of classic groups like Kiss, Queen and Aerosmith. Ya think? Of course it's been out there that Adam is gay. True or not, did it effect the vote? If Clay Aiken had been out at the time of his final, would he have gotten as many votes? Will Adam suffer by coming in runner up?
I don't think so!
Rocker Adam Lambert

Crooner Adam.

The two hour AI finale was a star studded celebration of music of all types. Having these young people sing with legends was a splendid idea.
Cindy Lauper, Carlos Santana, Lionel Ritchie, Queen Latifah, Jason Mraz, Will I Am and the fabulous Black Eyed Peas, Kiss, Keith Urban, Rod Stewart, Queen, and even a song sung by the AI final 13 accompanied by comic Steve Martin on banjo. He can play.
I gotta hand it to AI for whatever they do to nurture their contestants along the way, there does not seem to be any backbiting or selfishness among the top ten. They seem to genuinely pull for each other and hurt for each other. AI also encourages the constantants to embrace and explore music from all eras and styles. The show should be commended for that.
These folks are gonna make it big too.
This is Lil Rounds. Don't you just love that name?

Anoop Desai, AKA Anoop Dog. He's so soulful.