Congrats! to Bebe Zahara Benet for winning RuPaul's Drag Race. She is the new Drag Queen Superstar!
Bebe is from Cameroon and she represented her West African culture well during the contest. The man behind Bebe is talented, sweet,and caring. Bebe is beautiful, classy, sassy, poised, and strong, and has the dignity it takes to take the torch passed from RuPaul.
If you watched this contest you may have learned a lot about Drag Queens. Drag is a culture of it's own. These people are master entertainers. It requires having the skill of an artist, sculpture, fashion model, fashion designer, actor, make-up artist, dancer, and magician. I say magician because Drag is an illusion. An illusion of a woman. It takes great skill to pull this off. Being a woman is a lot more that T and A. RuPaul's contest allowed us an inside peek at the process of making the illusion we see on stage.
Drag artists are often but not always gay, sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Drag queens do not want to be women and do not live as women. I am certainly no authority on Drag rules, but my understanding is, Transgendered illusionist must be pre-op. Drag performers are invited to chime in, please.
I've always had a lot of respect for these performer's skills but never realized the time and expense it takes. It's very costly when you consider the makeup, wigs, shoes and wardrobe. Mucho $$$$$$$
In addition to the amazing transformations each week, Drag Race had some creative competitive Survivor like challenges for the contestants that really separated the boys from the queens.
It was also interesting getting to know these men and their backgrounds and how they came to be Drag Queens. Interesting too was how each viewed their drag persona.
From hundreds of applications RuPaul picked nine contestants.
There was a panel of two regulars and one guest celebrity and Rupaul who sat as judges each week. But, Ru made the final decision on who would "shantay you stay" or "sashay, away".
Monica and I loved Drag Race and so did my sister. Moni's favorite part each week, was when Ru tells the
bottom two queens, "this is your last chance to impress me" and commands they "lip synch for your life".
In the end it was Bebe and Nina Flowers who had to "Lip Synch for Your Life" to RuPaul's new single "Covergirl (Put the Bass in Your Walk)," Both finalist are in Ru's video.
This show was not only entertaining but featured unique people compared to other generic reality type shows. The personalities were real with cattiness, flashes of jealousy, real bonding, drama, emotion, angst, compassion and lots of laughing and fun. I can't wait until next season when Ru says,
"Gentlemen start your engines, and may the best woman win!"Nea Marshall Kudi
aka Bebe Zahara Benet, the lady from Cameroon.
Bebe said she loves the creative outlet allowed in drag artistry.

Drag Race finalist Jorge before his transformation into Nina Flowers. He considers Nina a piece of art.

Jorge says his Nina Flowers is a wild crazy woman.

Third runner-up Javier
aka Rebecca was the youngest contestant. A gorgeous man and gorgeous woman, Rebecca did NOT win Miss Congeniality.
A contestant, fan and judge favorite was the diminutive Ryan
aka Ongina. She was witty and creative and had a fierce runway walk.

Forth runner-up Brian
aka Shannel is serious and versitile entertainer that felt the judges did not understand her or give her the credit due. I liked Shannel.

Contestant Akashia, took a runway fall but played it off with style and a swirl.