Windy City Queercasts are FABULOUS podcasts hosted by FABULOUS actress/singer Amy Metheny. If you don't listen to these you are missing out and ya don't have to be queer to enjoy. You just need to want to be in the know about what's hot in not only Chicago but all over the world of theater, movies, TV, music, books, politics, and gossip, etc. Amy has the most entertaining, knowledgeable and lets face it, nutty co-hosts like Alexandra Billings, Stephen Rader or Mitchell Fain. I can always guarantee lots of laughter. You can listen to Amy's celebrity interviews and Queercast shenanigans while you cruise around the net or download it.
I'll start you off with
this one where Alex Billings talks about her childhood, her transition from male to female, the loss of male entitlement power and so much more. And Amy interviews author Stephanie Brill to discuss her new book, (co-written with Rachel Pepper)
The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals. This must have book for parents covers gender variance from birth through college.
Brill talks about how to tell if a child may be gender variant, the remarkable progress in Trans adolescent health care body development, parental rights regarding protecting children and how to be their best advocate and ally.
It's amazing how much has changed in the short time since Alex's transition. She talks about how little info she had about this complex issue and who her only role models were in contrast to the support and information available now. And yet, myths and ignorance, violence and hatred of Trans-adults and Trans-teens is still common. Imagine the confusion for children, even those with family support. Imagine the trauma for those without a supportive, loving environment. Alex points out the importance not only of educational tools like Brill's book but the need for visible role models. She's right. Children need to know that they can be OK. They need to see Transgendered actors on stage, in movies and on TV, in Trans or non-Trans roles. They also need to see Trans lawyers, bankers, athletes, etc.
So check out this podcast to laugh and learn along with Amy and Alex.
The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals is also a must have for health care professionals and educators. Monica has a copy on the way.
For more information visit the Gender Spectrum Web site at
Don't miss Amy and Alex's
Hollywood chat discussing summer TV shows, the Tony Awards, Tim Russert, Indiana Jones and Get Smart and Amy's adoration of Cougars (women over 35). Kate Hepburn makes a surprise visit too.
Checkout other Windy City Queercast recent podcasts and archives at