The King and I, Tea and Sympathy, An Affair to Remember, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, and From Here to Eternity, are just a few.
She was nominated for 6 Academy Awards and was awarded an honorary Oscar in 1984 for her body of work as
"an artist of impeccable grace and beauty, a dedicated actress whose motion picture career has always stood for perfection, discipline and elegance." Despite her beauty, class and elegance however, this redhead was not above smudging her makeup, or even going without when the part required. In combination with all her properness, she had a quiet, sort of smoldering sexiness right below the surface, that added mystery and interest to her roles. She was one of the best.
The King and I with Yul Bryner and An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant

The King and I has been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid and I LOVED An Affair to Remember. It is such a classic love story and the ending always just tears me up. OK now I am going to have to put it in my Netflix queue!
I remember seeing Affair one day I was home sick from school and I have loved it since. They don't make them like that anymore. Nope, not even Sleepless in Seattle which is based on "Affair" story.
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